Peach Creek Elementary replacement Site Map
Peach Creek Elementary replacement Site Plan
Peach Creek Elementary replacement Schematic Floor Plan
Peach Creek Elementary replacement site Architectural Renderings Animation
Frequently Asked Questions:
How did the district identify the 16488 S. Tram site for the new Peach Creek Elementary School?
There are several factors at play when the district is looking for a location for a new school or facility. These include the availability of land where the school is needed to serve students, traffic and drainage considerations, and, in this case, proximity to the existing Peach Creek Elementary School.
How will traffic near the new school be impacted?
As required by Montgomery County, Splendora ISD has completed a traffic impact study of the area surrounding the new campus. The study findings stated that “based on the analysis, it is anticipated that the proposed development will have an insignificant impact on the nearby roadway network.” The district is exploring ways to mitigate traffic with extended ingress and egress to the campus.
Are there any concerns with water drainage associated with a new school building at this site?
The district continues to work closely and diligently with engineers to ensure the necessary amount of water detention has been developed into the plan to meet flood mitigation requirements. As typical for a project of this scale, the site’s proposed detention and drainage were designed to match the drainage patterns of the existing site before the construction of the school. Additionally, the size of the detention pond developed into the site plan exceeds Montgomery County’s requirements.