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Martin selected Region 6 Outstanding Assistant Principal of the Year

TaMeka Martin

We are excited to announce...

Mrs. TaMeka Chopp Martin, Splendora High School Assistant Principal, has been selected to represent the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals as a Region 6 Outstanding Assistant Principal of the Year. TASSP recognizes outstanding principals and assistant principals from the twenty regional Education Service Centers in the state. School administrators are nominated and chosen by their peers within their regions. Nominations are based on exemplary performance and outstanding leadership. As a Region 6 winner, Mrs. Martin is eligible to compete for the state title of Texas Assistant Principal of the Year. Mrs. Martin, a 6-year assistant principal, has been a member of the leadership team at SHS since the 2018-19 school year. She attended Prairie View A&M University and earned a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering in 2002 and a Master of Business Administration in 2005. She attended Lamar University and was awarded a Master of Education in Administration in 2011. She is currently pursuing her Doctoral Research at Grand Canyon University. Mrs. Martin sees herself as a risktaker, a visionary, and a leader of learners. Her “why” is to live on purpose with purpose daily. She is an educator, author, and entrepreneur and has dedicated over 20 years of her life to public education. Each of the region winners will be recognized during the Josten’s Night of the Stars Awards Dinner held in conjunction with the TASSP Summer held each year in June. Each will be presented with an award and recognized in a commemorative book entitled Texas Principals, Texas Heroes.