Five Free Virtual Sessions
We are excited to share five parent sessions planned for the upcoming school year. All sessions are virtual, and there is no charge. While the sessions are developed with parents in mind, district staff are welcome to attend and will gain helpful information and strategies. Sessions are for all grade levels.
September 9 - Back to School Routines and Structure for Students with Special Needs - #555568
November 12 - Surviving the Holidays! Sensory Strategies and Self-Regulation Supports - # 555577
January 28 - Behavior Basics for Parents, Caregivers, and Staff Enhancing Positive Behavior Support - #555580
March 25 - I Need a Break (for Adults!): Self-Care Strategies and Techniques to Keep Being Awesome - #555583
May 6 - Surviving the Summer: Increasing Self-Play Skills and Activity Engagement During Summer Breaks - #555587