Bond Steering Committee Holds Final Meeting
The Splendora ISD 2025 Bond Steering Committee held its final meeting this week. This group, consisting of parents, community members, and district staff, met six times this fall to review district enrollment trends, financial data, and the condition and capacity of our school facilities. Their goal was to determine if a May 2025 bond election should be recommended to the Splendora ISD Board of Trustees.
At their final meeting, the committee voted to recommend a bond package to the Board of Trustees. Members of the committee will present their recommendations during the Board's monthly meeting on January 14, 2025. During this Board meeting, trustees may accept the bond recommendation as presented or modify the proposed bond package. If the Board approves a bond recommendation during the January meeting, the bond election would take place on Saturday, May 3, 2025.
Here’s what you need to know about the recommendation:
The committee prioritized addressing our rapid enrollment growth and the needs of our student academic and extracurricular programs in a fiscally responsible manner. With these priorities in mind, they recommend a total of $150,000,000 in projects as part of the bond package, which would not increase the portion of the school district’s tax rate used to pay down bond debt.
Projects in the package that will be recommended include:
Splendora High School Auditorium and Band Hall Addition
Junior High School No. 2
Districtwide Support Services Facility (Phase 1)
Splendora High School Autobody Expansion and Health Science Renovation
Livestock Facility and Show Arena (Phase 1)
Splendora High School Athletics Annex Expansion
Land for Future School Sites
To view all the meeting slide decks, click