Volunteer Program
Parents and community members who want to volunteer in our school district or attend a field trip with a student must complete a Volunteer Application and Criminal Background Check every school year. The application system opens on August 1st for the current school year, and the volunteer application will expire on July 31st of each year.
A 3rd-party online system processes our volunteer applications. Most applications will take less than two days to process; however, we suggest applications be turned in at least two weeks before the event at which you want to volunteer. This will allow us time to resolve any issues that may arise. Click the links provided on this page to begin your Volunteer Application and Criminal Background Check.
If you have questions about volunteering on your campus or in our district, call Lisa Foster, Community Education & Communications Coordinator, at 281-689-4358, or contact your student's campus directly.
Volunteers vs. Visitors
The Splendora Independent School District values the contributions of parents, guardians, grandparents, and community members. Our goal is to provide a safe environment for everyone. You can be involved in your child’s education as a volunteer or visitor.
Volunteers work within the school programs by interacting with teachers and students. These individuals must complete a Volunteer Application. A volunteer’s duties may include the following:
Mentoring students
Tutoring students
Working with the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Office and Classroom Assistance (Including Room Parents)
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Activities
Extracurricular and Community Service Activities
Attending Field Trips (with your child or as a chaperone)
Visitors observe his/her child without distracting instructional activities and do not interact with other students one-on-one. These individuals do not need to complete a Volunteer Application. Visitors may:
Eat lunch with his/her child
Attend a school-wide assembly or event
Walk his/her child to class (Each campus has its own rules about this. Please verify that this is allowed on your child’s campus.)
Speak to a class or organization with the teacher or sponsor present
** Visiting during student-only events is prohibited.
If you are interested in volunteering on one of our campuses, please complete the Volunteer Application. The District will obtain the criminal history record of all prospective volunteers through our online system. The background check is confidential and will be processed through a 3rd-party company.