Elementary Grading Guidelines
Standards Based Grading for Kindergarten - 1st Grade
- Kindergarten Standards Based Report Card
- First Grade Standards Based Report Card
- Standards-Based Report Card Parent Guide
Grades 2 - 5
Content Graded
Grades should represent student performance on TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) objectives in each subject area at the student’s grade level.
Minimum Number of Grades
There are a minimum number of grades required to accurately reflect student achievement during a grading period for subjects and grade levels. Grades will be entered on a weekly basis.
- 3 Major Grades in ELAR/Math
- 2 Major Grades in Science/SS
- Minimum of 9 Daily Grades ELAR/Math
- Minimum of 6 Daily Grades Science/SS
Grading Percentages/Weights
Grades 2-5
Skyward is set up so that daily grades and major test grades are weighted equally and should be a reflection of the students’ learning journey. A grade may not count more than 2 times for any one assignment.
Examples Major Tests Grades
(Not an Exhaustive List)
Unit Tests
Research Papers
Final Drafts
Common Assessments (SBA)
Common Formative Assessments (CFA)
Lab Practical
Written Responses
Performance Tasks
*Teachers will have the flexibility to make informed decisions based on their professional judgment and expertise regarding assessments, grading, and instructional practices.
Examples Daily Grades
(Not an Exhaustive List)
Graphic Organizers
Rough Drafts
Short pieces of Writing
Exit Tickets
Learning Logs
Journal Entries
Checkpoints within a larger project based assignment
Performance Tasks
Laboratory Write-Ups
*Teachers will have the flexibility to make informed decisions based on their professional judgment and expertise regarding assessments, grading, and instructional practices.
Late Work Guidelines
Late work refers to any assignment that is not submitted during the student's scheduled class period, at the specific time designated by the teacher, on the day when the assignment is due, provided the student is present in class. This policy establishes a clear definition of late submissions and helps maintain consistency in handling assignments within Splendora Independent School District (ISD).
- Opportunities will be offered for students to complete late work within the designated time frame, such as but not limited to:
- Before school
- After school
Within the 9 week grading cycle, late work must be completed within 3 days of the assignment due date. After the 3 days, a grade will be assigned based on what has been completed.
Make-up Work
For each day a student is absent, they will be provided with a minimum of one day to make up missed assignments. However, at the teacher's discretion, extended time may be granted within the grading period.
Reassessment Guidelines
Whole Class Reassessment
- In cases where 50% or more of the class fails an assessment, a whole-class reteach and reassess approach will be implemented, as per the guidelines outlined in this document. The original grade obtained by the students will not be recorded.
Individual Student Reassessment
- The student or guardian is responsible for requesting a reassessment directly from their teacher.
- Reassessment must be scheduled within a three-week timeframe from when the original grade was given, falling within the nine-week grading period. This policy allows students the opportunity to request a reassessment and make improvements on their initial performance within a reasonable timeframe.
- The new assessment will encompass the same content as the original assessment, but will vary in format, except for written responses. Written compositions are an exception to this format change.
- Students have the opportunity to request up to two major grades each 9-week grading period.
- Tutorial sessions will be provided as a resource for students, and it may be mandatory for students to attend a minimum of one tutorial session before requesting a reassessment.
- Reassessment opportunities may be denied if a student has any missing assignments that are deemed essential for their comprehension of the assessed content or skills .
- Reassessment should be conducted within a five-days time frame from the receipt of the original assessment grade, falling within the nine-week grading period.
- A maximum grade of up to 80% can be earned.
Assessment Guidelines
All teaching staff are required to follow the guidelines outlined in the District Assessment Calendar. Modifications to the assessment procedures are only permitted if properly documented. Diagnostic assessments will not be counted for a grade.
Grading Scale
90 – 100 indicates outstanding achievement or “A” work
80 – 89 indicates good achievement or “B” work
75 – 79 indicates average achievement or “C” work
70 – 74 indicates poor achievement or “D” work
Below 70 indicates failure or non-mastery
Cheating and Plagiarism
Cheating is defined as the act of giving or receiving information during a test or submitting duplicate work for assignments. The use of technology, such as computers, internet, cell phone, PDAs, or calculators to cheat or copy the work of another is prohibited. Plagiarism consists of using another person’s ideas or writing as one’s own. Plagiarism, which involves using someone else's ideas or writing as one's own, is cheating. Students found to be cheating will be referred to their respective assistant principal for disciplinary action. This policy emphasizes the district's commitment to academic integrity and the consequences for violating these guidelines.
Grade Reporting
All students will receive a progress report and a report card according to the district schedule. It is best practice to contact parents if there is a drastic change between the progress report and the report card.
Dual Language
Dual Language (DL) students will receive grades that represent their performance on TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) objectives in each subject area in both English and Spanish.
Dual Language Grading Guidelines
Because DL students are learning content and language at the same time, teachers use linguistically differentiated assessment or accommodations to measure the acquisition of academic knowledge and skills in students’ second language. The differentiated assessment is based on students’ second language proficiency level. Some examples of differentiated assessment and accommodations are reduced wording in a reading passage, fewer questions or answer choices, extra time, and the use of a bilingual dictionary. Translation is not an accepted differentiated assessment option. Because conceptual understanding is primarily assessed in both languages, English and Spanish grades should NOT vary greatly as teachers are measuring the same knowledge or skill, and not second language development.
Second Language Development Table (SLDT)
Each nine weeks, DL students will receive an addendum to their report card describing the student’s current second language proficiency level, and specific comments about their language development progress in that grading period. In the SLDT, the student’s second language proficiency level is reported in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The second language proficiency levels will include Entering, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced and Advanced High. The SLDT will be part of the student’s permanent folder.
Homework Policy
Homework is work assigned to be completed at home and will not be graded.
No new concepts should be included in homework assignments. Homework is an effective tool in developing responsibility, study habits, and skills. It is an extension of the learning process and supports a home/school connection. It should be purposeful, related to classroom experiences, and be age and grade appropriate.
The purpose and directions for the assignment need to be clearly communicated, and should be preceded by instruction that adequately prepares the child to complete the task independently and successfully.
Homework is not to be assigned on weekends or before holidays with the exception of previously scheduled special reports and/or projects.
Teachers assign homework on an as needed basis, thus not all teachers will assign homework.
Core and Non-Core Subjects
Core subjects are ELAR (English, Language Arts, and Reading), SLAR (Spanish, Language Arts, and Reading), Math, Science, and Social Studies.