Student Transfer Request
Transfer Applications (in-district and out-of-district) must be submitted online through Skyward Family Access by August 1, 2024. Transfer Applications can only be accepted from a student's legal parent or guardian. A nonresident student shall not be permitted to attend district schools except for reasons outlined in the Board Policy FDA (Local) updated May 6, 2024. Click the link HERE to review the Board Policy.
All Student Transfer requests (in-district and out-of-district) will be reviewed starting in July. Applications submitted after the August 1, 2024, deadline may not be considered for final determination.
Transfers shall be granted for one regular school year. A new transfer request must be submitted each school year. The parent or guardian will be notified of the decision via the email you provide in Skyward.
In approving transfers, the superintendent or designee shall consider the availability of space and instructional staff and the student's disciplinary history and attendance records. The superintendent or designee may revoke a transfer at any time for reasons that include but are not limited to discipline issues, excessive tardies, late/early pickups, attendance issues, falsification of enrollment or application information, and removal from the program from which the transfer was approved.
Transportation will NOT be provided for students approved for a transfer.
In-District Transfers (Intradisrict Transfers)
- Any student currently attending a campus on a transfer (excluding special programs - dual language and/or behavior support program) will receive an email reminder to submit a new transfer request for the upcoming school year. Instructions will be included in the email.
- Failure to submit a transfer request before the August 1, 2024, deadline may not be considered for final determination.
- The superintendent or designee will review all transfer requests, consulting with each campus administration, before making a final decision.
- The parent/guardian will receive an email stating if the request has been approved or denied. Additional information or documentation may be requested for approval.
- If a student who has been granted a transfer withdraws from the district, the transfer is revoked. If the student re-enrolls in the district, he/she will be required to attend the school they are zoned to attend.
Out-of-District Transfers (Interdistrict transfers)
- Refer to the local Board Policy FDA (Local) by clicking HERE for information on interdistrict transfers.
All out-of-district transfer applications will be considered on an individual basis; however, the student must meet the stated criteria in the local Board Policy FDA.
If a transfer is revoked, the student's parent or guardian will be notified to withdraw the student and return to their home district.
If the required transfer form is not submitted and approved, your student will be withdrawn from Splendora ISD and must attend school in their home district.
An out-of-district transfer student who withdraws from the district forfeits all rights to re-apply as an out-of-district transfer.
Students requesting a transfer to Splendora ISD may be required to submit documentation of grades, attendance, and disciplinary history.
Any student currently attending a campus on an out-of-district transfer will receive an email reminder to submit a new out-of-district transfer request for the upcoming school year. Instructions will be included in the email. The out-of-district request should be completed before the August 1, 2024 deadline.
If you are a district employee and your student attends Splendora ISD on an out-of-district transfer, all forms must be submitted annually and before August 1, 2024.
Upon the resignation or termination of a district employee, any student attending Splendora ISD on an out-of-district transfer will be withdrawn from Splendora ISD immediately.
Note: For transfers of students who are victims of bullying, see FDB (LEGAL). For transfers of students who attend a persistently dangerous school, become victims of a violent criminal offense, or become victims of sexual assault, see FDD.