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Resources for English-Speaking Families and Students

Árbol ABC:  This website has activities in English and in Spanish.  Do you want your child to practice their second language?  This is a fun way to learn all the subjects in both languages.

Becoming Aware of Print - Help your young child get prepared to learn how to read.

BrainPop:  Create More “Aha!” Moments Together From school to home, discover the content and tools you need to make learning POP.

Brain Pop en Esp.:  offers animated educational resources for children with themes of Science, Social Studies, Spanish, Mathematics, Art, Music, and Health. BrainPOP is a tool that allows students to participate in the learning process. BrainPOP increases the depth of knowledge required to answer quiz questions and fun assessments that allow students to explain their reasoning while playing. These activities come only in Spanish.

CDC Resources for families

Colorin Colorado:  This site has wonderful resources for families. They include topics like helping your child how to read, how to work with your preschooler at home and much more!

Khan Academy: offers personalized learning opportunities. Students practice at their own pace; first to fill in the gaps in their understanding and then accelerate their learning.

NASA:  offers different scientific concepts through interactive games. Interactive Maps offers didactic games to learn geography that gives you the opportunity to travel around the world and visit the places you have learned from in social studies. These activities come in English & Spanish.

Rosetta Stone:  Learn Spanish today!

Storybooks Canada: is an open and free educational resource that promotes literacy and language learning in homes, schools and communities. As part of the Global Storybooks project, it makes available 40 stories from the African Storybook with text and audio in different languages.

Wide Open Schools: Connecting and using the internet for online learning Information from organizations and companies that offer low-cost computers and the internet and videos on how to use the apps that schools use to communicate with parents and students.  Free activities for all ages.  These activities come in English & Spanish.

Click the link HERE for more Helpful Website for At-Home Learning.