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Multilingual Services

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Itzil Welch

Itzil Welch
Director of Multilingual Programs, Title III & World Languages

Multilingual Services Staff

Required Postings


The Splendora ISD Multilingual Program will establish a path to second language acquisition and proficiency by providing rigorous academic instruction leading to bilingualism and biliteracy. Students will acquire interpersonal skills and achieve high academic levels in Spanish and English.


Our mission is to enhance and accelerate students' language acquisition to ensure bilingualism and biliteracy. We will maximize students' cognitive and affective development through culturally responsive teaching. As a result, our emergent bilingual students will acquire essential skills for lifelong learning, ensuring they become productive, responsible global citizens.

Program Goals

  • Nurture the primary language for emergent bilinguals to become bi-literate.
  • Create cross-linguistic connections between English and Spanish to acquire academic concepts. 
  • Use sheltered instruction to acquire the target language.
  • Value the students' culture to create an optimal and inclusive learning environment.
  • Foster emergent bilinguals' linguistic, academic, and emotional needs by creating meaningful partnerships with parents, families, and the community.

Campus LPAC Administrators

Texas Administrative Code
§89.1200. Language Proficiency Assessment Committee

The State of Texas requires school districts to establish a process for selecting and training the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) members. Assessment data review is the third step in the identification process.

LPAC members:

  • Campus Administrator
  • A certified bilingual or ESL teacher
  • A parent of a current emergent bilingual student (may not be a district employee)

Greenleaf Elementary
Megan Durtche

Peach Creek Elementary
Patricia Tillery

Piney Woods Elementary
Laura Wildman

Timber Lakes Elementary
Myra Kershner

Splendora Junior High School
Nichole Gardner

Splendora High School
Forrest Patterson

According to the Texas Education Code (TEC), Chapter 29, Subchapter B, any student with a primary language other than English and is designated as an English learner must be allowed to engage in bilingual education or English as a second language (ESL) program. To guarantee that all students have equal access to education, as mandated by law. To provide equal educational opportunity, as required by the TEC, 1.002(a), each school district must:

  1. Identify emergent bilingual students based on criteria established by the state.
  2. Provide bilingual education and ESL programs as integral parts of the general program as described in the TEC, §4.002.
  3. Seek appropriately certified teaching personnel to ensure that emergent bilingual students are afforded full opportunity to master the essential knowledge and skills required by the state and
  4. Assess achievement for essential knowledge and skills by the TEC, Chapter 29, to ensure accountability for emergent bilingual students and the schools that serve them.

Bilingual and ESL programs shall use instructional approaches designed to meet the academic needs of emergent bilingual students. The instruction and learning experiences shall be based on the state of Texas's essential knowledge and skills. Bilingual education programs shall aim to enable "emergent bilingual students to become proficient in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in the English language through the development of literacy and academic skills in the primary language and English" (Commissioner's Rules Concerning State Plan for Educating English  Learners, 2020).

Click the link here to view other Parent Resources.

Multilingual Services Programs

Texas Administrative Code
§89.1205. Required Bilingual Education and English as a Second Language Programs

Each school district that has an enrollment of 20 or more students identified as emergent bilingual students in any language classification in the same grade level district-wide shall offer a bilingual education program as described in subsection (b) of this section for the emergent bilingual students in prekindergarten through the elementary grades with that language classification. "Elementary grades" shall include at least prekindergarten through Grade 5; sixth grade shall be included when clustered with elementary grades.

Title III, Part A

Splendora ISD shall implement Title III, Part A Section 3114 (a), 3115 (a), and (c)(3)(A)(B), which requires engagement activities for parents, family, and community. All parent, family, and community engagement activities and training will be aligned and coordinated with other district programs to supplement language acquisition. Activities and training shall include effective approaches and methodologies to enhance language instruction for Emergent Bilinguals (EB), immigrant students, and their families.

Other Programs Offered

The Multilingual Services Department offers a range of programs to support students and families. These programs ensure access to meaningful learning experiences and foster language development within our community.