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To service the Splendora Independent School District students and staff by providing a safe, healthy and pleasant environment that will support, stimulate and enhance the education process.

Our Vision is to be dedicated to efficiency, effectiveness, and excellence of service while safely maintaining the building and grounds of Splendora ISD to the highest quality.

Safety is a high priority to the SISD Maintenance Department. We find ourselves committed to maintaining a safe, comfortable, functional environment for students and staff.  To achieve this, we will exhaust our resources and if needed, rely on outside agencies to accomplish our goals.

As a department, we must strive to improve our education in the field of Maintenance and Operations by looking for ways to improve in the job/jobs we do.  Several maintenance employees hold state certifications that have to be renewed annually and require that we take CEU’s. We will perform monthly departmental meetings to assist and help us grow as a department.