Teaching & Training
The Teaching and Training program of study prepares Career & Technical Education (CTE) learners for careers related to teaching, instruction, and the creation of instructional and enrichment materials. The program of study introduces CTE learners to a wide variety of student groups and their corresponding needs. It familiarizes them with the processes for developing curriculum, coordinating educational content, and coaching groups and individuals.
- Level 1 Principles of Education and Training
- Level 2 Human Growth and Development
- Level 3 Instructional Practices
- Level 4 Practicum in Education and Training
Certificates and Degrees
High School Industry Certification
- Educational Aide I
Associate Degree
- Teacher Education
- Education, General (or specific subject area)
- Special Education
- Health and Physical Education/Fitness
Bachelor’s Degree
- Bilingual & Multilingual Education
- Education, General (or specific subject area)
- Special Education
- Health & Physical Education/Fitness
Master’s/Doctoral Professional Degree
- Additional degree opportunities are available.
Career Opportunities
- Adult Basic and Secondary Education and Literacy Teachers and Instructors
- Middle School Teachers, Except for Special and Career/Technical Education
- Career and Technical Education Teachers, Secondary School
- Special Education Teachers, Secondary School