Animal Science
The Animal Science program of study focuses on the science, research, and business of animals and other living organisms. It teaches Career and Technical Education (CTE) learners how to apply biology and life science to real-world life processes of animals and wildlife, either in laboratories or in the field, which could include a veterinary office, a farm or ranch, or any outdoor area harboring animal life. Students may also research and analyze the growth and destruction of species and research or diagnose diseases and injuries of animals.
- Level 1 Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
- Level 2 Small Animal Management; Equine Science
- Level 3 Livestock Production/Lab
- Level 4 Advanced Animal Science, Practicum in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, Veterinary Medical Applications/Labs
Certificates and Degrees
High School Industry Certification
- Certified Veterinary Assistant, Level 1
- Elanco Fundamentals of Animal Science Certification
- Elanco Veterinary Medical Applications Certification
- Equine Management & Evaluation Certification
Associate Degree
- Food Science and Technology
- Veterinary Studies
- Biotechnology Laboratory Technician
- Biology Technician
Bachelor’s Degree
- Animal Sciences
- Agriculture
- Biology
- Zoology/Animal Biology
Master’s/Doctoral Professional Degree
- Additional degree opportunities available
Career Opportunities
- Animal Breeders
- Animal Scientists
- Medical Scientists
- Veterinarians
- Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists