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2023-2024 Annual Report (Text Only)

Annual Report

“Hi, I’m Dr. Jeff Burke, Superintendent of Schools for Splendora ISD. I’m often asked about our Strategic Plan. In Splendora ISD, our Strategic Plan is composed of three separate parts.

First is our Strategic Direction, which is why we exist. It is our mission, vision, beliefs, and core principles. And it drives every decision that we make. At every meeting, we review our Strategic Direction and discuss why we’re here.

The second part of our Strategic Plan is our Community-Based Accountability System, which dictates to whom we are accountable and for what. This is there to signal the resources our campuses and students need for continued success. It really is about our community’s hopes and dreams for our students.

Last is our Balanced Scorecard. We knew we had to provide some measurables and a five-year long-term plan for our performance goals, many of which are outlined in our Community-Based Accountability System.

So, in Splendora ISD, we have our Strategic Direction, our Community-Based Accountability System, and our Balanced Scorecard, which really provides measurables for our work. And together, those constitute our Strategic Plan, which is not just a document but a roadmap to our mission of Cultivating Exceptional People. This mission is at the heart of everything we do, and it’s what inspires and motivates us every day.”

OUR BELIEF STATEMENT: Every child has strengths and talents. Splendora ISD will focus on these strengths and talents regardless of a test score. To do anything less neglects our duty as parents, educators, and community members. Our responsibility is to provide our community with a transparent, honest, and accurate reflection of our progress toward our strategic priorities and goals. Still, it is also critical to understand our journey of continuous improvement.

How we measure Splendora ISD success…

Student Learning & Progress
Student Readiness
Engaged, Well-Rounded Students
Community Engagement & Partnership
Professional Learning & Quality Staff
Fiscal and Operational Systems
Safety & Well-Being

Splendora ISD 23/24 At-A-Glance

818 Staff
Teachers & Aides 466
Professional Support 55
Administration 38
Support Services/Auxiliary 259

5220 Students Enrolled*
American Indian-Alaskan 6
Asian 27
Black - African American 266
Hispanic - Latino 2502
White 2301
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 6
Two-or-More 112
*taken the last Friday in October each year.

2024 Graduates 306
Associate Degrees 14
College Hours 1561
Career / Technical Certificates 120

The Connection: Learning & Progress
We are “more than a score.”

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) rates Texas public school districts using an A-F system based on standardized test scores, graduation rates, college, career, and military readiness (CCMR), and closing achievement gaps. In 2023-2024, Splendora ISD’s rating dropped significantly despite district-wide academic growth. While we believe the TEA’s system has flaws, we recognize areas needing improvement. To address these, we have implemented curriculum changes, including Eureka Math (Grades K-5), Carnegie Math (Grade 8), McGraw-Hill Science (Grades 3-12), Amplify Reading (Grades K-6), and targeted professional development and effective use of resources for English (Grades 7-12).

To maintain transparency to the community, details regarding our district’s state accountability results as measured by the administration of the STAAR (State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness) can be found by visiting Splendora ISD’s website.

“I want to assure our parents that we will never chase test scores. We firmly believe that our students, staff, and district are ‘more than  a score’, and we are committed to ensuring that we are educating the whole child and cultivating exceptional people.” Dr. Jeff Burke.

PCE Robotics, AG Mechanics & More!
Clay Club State Champions; BASS Fishing State Finalist;
Cosmetology students Advanced to Nationals

Advanced Academics
Advanced Academics provides opportunities for students to pursue college-level studies while still in high school and the opportunity to receive college credit.  All Advanced Placement (AP ®) courses at Splendora High School have received College Board authorization, and each course syllabus is available for review on the College Board webpage. Splendora High School has been awarded the designation by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) as an Early College school-within-a-school. 

As part of the Early College High School Program, students will take different advanced academic courses with the minimum goal of being core complete (42 college hours). Students in the program can earn an associate’s degree equivalent to 60 college hours. Additionally, we began a Rising Scholar program. This program is open to students in grades 6-11 who desire to increase their performance on college entrance exams and competitions like the National Merit Scholarship program. 

Cross Country advanced to Regionals
Bi-District Volleyball Champions
State Qualifiers in Powerlifting
State Qualifiers in Girls Track
Placing 9th in 400m & 7th in 4x100 relay

Fine Arts
Three All-State Band Members;  Band and Color Guard advance to Area for 7th  consecutive year; Dance Team National Grand Champion, UIL One-Act Play  Advanced; Two 1st Place UIL State Solo & Ensemble choir students.

Student Readiness for the Future
Ensuring our students are successful after high school is a top priority at Splendora ISD, whether they continue their formal education as college-ready students, career-ready employees, or military service members.

Students can join the Early College High School Program and earn up to 60 hours of college credit at no cost to families. This program provides flexible scheduling to allow students to participate in extracurricular activities such as athletics, FFA, band, etc.

Splendora ISD’s Opportunity Guide was first issued in the 2023-2024 school year. This tool assists our students in exploring their pathway for college-ready or career-ready certificate opportunities using our partnership with Lone Star College-Kingwood (LSC-K).  

Student Safety & Well-Being
At Splendora ISD, we are committed to providing an optimal environment that is safe, secure, and conducive to learning for all students and staff. This commitment extends beyond physical safety to include the social-emotional needs of every individual within the district.

We are proud to announce that for the fourth consecutive year, Splendora ISD has been designated a Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase District, a recognition of our dedication to fostering a relationship-driven campus culture and ensuring that students feel connected and supported. To enhance security, each campus has a designated police officer responsible for daily door checks, law enforcement, and criminal investigations.

The district has implemented a closed and locked door policy across all schools and completed controlled access areas at Piney Woods Elementary and Splendora High School, reinforcing our commitment to a secure learning environment.

Professional Learning & Quality Staff
Splendora ISD is dedicated to ensuring our district is staffed with quality employees who embody the roles of designers, relationship builders, servant leaders, and growth-minded educators. We have strengthened our recruitment and retention strategies to attract and maintain top talent while developing a comprehensive induction process to integrate new employees into our learning organization.  Our commitment to professional growth is reflected in the personalized learning opportunities we provide, promoting reflection, enhancing instructional quality, and building staff capacity. The district’s Employee Wellness Committee actively supports our staff by addressing their physical, social, and emotional needs. Additionally, through our Elevate Program, which helps paraprofessionals obtain their degrees and alternative certification through Teachworthy, we celebrated our first graduates, Michelle Holy and Krystle Stone, marking a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to empower and develop our staff.

Fiscal and Operational Systems
The Business and Finance Department plays a crucial role in managing and overseeing Splendora ISD’s budget, finances, payroll, accounting, and purchasing. Our goal is to maximize the effective use of federal, state, and local tax revenues to support the district’s mission and vision. We ensure up-to-date facilities and technology, offer a competitive salary schedule, and continuously review procedures to streamline processes. Our commitment to fiscal responsibility is reflected in our annual external audits, which consistently demonstrate that Splendora ISD uses public funds responsibly and in full compliance with legal and financial regulations. For over a decade, the district has earned a “Superior” rating in the Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST). The Board of Trustees adopts an annual budget and tax rate, which has seen the following adjustments over the past three years:  2021 - $1.40552/$100 valuation; 2022 - $1.381/$100 valuation; 2023 - $1.2122/$100 valuation.

Focus on the Future
Splendora ISD is looking ahead with four significant construction projects underway, made possible by the community’s approval of the $201 million bond referendum in November 2022. These projects will not only address our district’s growth but also replace two aging facilities–Peach Creek and Greenleaf Elementary Schools–with modern, state-of-the-art buildings. As our community continues to expand, we’re preparing for the future.   A demographic study presented in Spring 2024 by Population & Survey Analysts (PASA) projects that our student population could grow to approximately 14,000 students under a moderate growth scenario. Splendora ISD is committed to meeting this challenge head-on, ensuring our facilities and resources are ready to support the next generation of learners.

Three Scenarios of Growth
12,494 > 2033 Enrollment
Low Growth Assumptions

  • Slower Kindergarten growth 

  • Increasing interest rates

  • 1-2 additional charters open near Splendora ISD in the short-term 

13,959 > 2033 Enrollment
Moderate Growth Assumptions

  • Kindergarten enrollment surpasses 800 by 2033

  • Multi-family development increases in time

  • Unemployment rates remain unchanged

  • No major charter expansions occur  in or near Splendora ISD in the short-term 

16,382 > 2033 Enrollment
High Growth Assumptions

  • Birth rates accelerate

  • Kindergarten classes grow at  a higher rate

  • Mortgage rates decrease below 4.5%

  • New communities are developed within the next 5 years 

Greenleaf Elementary School - January 2026
Peach Creek Elementary School - August 2023
Splendora Junior High - August 2023
Splendora High School - August 2023

We Are Splendora

2023-24 Board of Trustees and Administration
Board of Trustees
President Allen Wells
Vice President Dan Muirhead
Secretary Kim Klepcyk
Asst. Secretary Barry Welch
Members Brandon Fry, Jason Sessum, Jennifer Stewart

District Leadership
Superintendent  Dr. Jeff Burke
Chief Administration Officer Dr. Shane Conklin
Chief Financial Officer Kevin Lynch
Chief Learning Officer Carrie Garza
Campus Leadership
Greenleaf Elementary School Sonya Simpson
Peach Creek Elementary School Jessica Sowell
Piney Woods Elementary School Heath Lucas/Reese Briggs
Timber Lakes Elementary School Dawn Jackson
Splendora Junior High School Molly Buford
Splendora High School Allen Painter